Simple Measurement May Predict Risk of Worsening Kidney Disease
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Written by Arushi Sharma
27 Feb, 2024
1 min read
Researchers have discovered a simple way to identify people at high risk of rapid chronic kidney disease progression. The study, analyzing data from Denmark, found a urine protein test effectively predicted risk.
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A simple urine test may predict the risk of rapid worsening in chronic kidney disease, helping doctors tailor treatment and improve patient outcomes.

Researchers at Aarhus University have identified a straightforward method to predict individuals most likely to experience a rapid progression of chronic kidney disease, a finding that could significantly enhance prevention and treatment strategies.

In Denmark, approximately ten percent of the population grapples with chronic kidney disease, with some facing swift deterioration post-diagnosis.

Drawing from data in Danish health registers, the comprehensive study offers healthcare professionals new insights into identifying patients at a heightened risk of swift kidney disease deterioration.

Professor Christian Fynbo Christiansen, from the Department of Clinical Medicine at Aarhus University and one of the study's authors, explained the motivation behind investigating chronic kidney disease: "Our goal was to understand which patients are most at risk and whether we can intervene early to delay or even prevent this progression."

The study unveiled that patients diagnosed with mild to moderate chronic kidney disease within three years face a 15 percent risk of rapid progression, potentially leading to severe cardiovascular issues or even death. Notably, the research highlighted significant variations in the risk of rapid progression among patients.

A simple urine protein measurement emerged as a robust indicator of kidney disease trajectory. For women without diabetes or elevated blood pressure/cardiovascular disease and lacking the protein albumin in their urine, the risk of rapid progression stood at seven percent.

In contrast, men with diabetes, elevated blood pressure/cardiovascular disease, and albumin in their urine faced a peak risk of 47 percent.

This breakthrough in predicting the risk of rapid kidney disease progression could pave the way for early interventions and personalized treatment approaches, offering a ray of hope for improved outcomes for those affected by chronic kidney disease.

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