Reveal HealthTech Merges with Manifold AI to Revolutionize Healthcare
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Written by Sirish Dixit
15 Jun, 2024
1 min read
Reveal HealthTech merges with Manifold AI's consulting division to boost custom AI solutions in healthcare, ultimately aiming to improve patient outcomes
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Reveal HealthTech and Manifold AI join forces to create custom AI solutions for healthcare. This merger aims to improve patient outcomes and personalize the healthcare experience.

Reveal HealthTech, a leader in data, AI, and engineering services for healthcare and life sciences, has joined forces with Manifold's AI consulting division. This strategic move significantly expands Reveal's capabilities in developing custom generative AI solutions for healthcare organizations.

Manifold's AI consulting team brings a wealth of experience building cutting-edge AI solutions for global healthcare brands. This expertise, combined with Reveal's deep domain knowledge, creates a powerhouse team equipped to address real-world healthcare challenges using the power of AI.

"Our mission at Reveal is to improve patient outcomes by empowering healthcare organizations with the right technologies," says Sanchit Mullick, CEO & Co-Founder of Reveal. "AI is rapidly transforming healthcare, and this merger positions us at the forefront of this revolution."

Reveal has a history of collaborating with leading healthcare institutions, including Moffitt Cancer Center. Their partnership focuses on leveraging advanced technology to enhance oncology research and patient engagement.

"Reveal's expertise has been instrumental in driving innovation," states Dr. Corinne Leach, Director of Digital Innovation at Moffitt Cancer Center. "We're excited to continue working with Reveal to personalize healthcare experiences, empower patients and clinicians, and ultimately prevent and cure more cancers."
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