Pune's Rishi Tandulwadkar Represents India at G20 Young Entrepreneurs' Alliance Summit in Brazil
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Written by Sirish Dixit
28 Jun, 2024
1 min read
Rishi Tandulwadkar, founder of Pune-based healthcare startup Aliv, represented India at the G20 Young Entrepreneurs' Alliance Summit in Brazil, receiving the Best Entrepreneur Pitch Award for his contributions to healthcare and regenerative wellness.
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Rishi Tandulwadkar, founder of Aliv, was honored for his contributions to healthcare and regenerative wellness, showcasing successful case studies and pioneering innovations.

Rishi Tandulwadkar, the founder of Pune-based healthcare startup Aliv, was recently selected to represent India at the G20 Young Entrepreneurs' Alliance Summit (G20YEA) 2024, held in Brazil. Tandulwadkar was the sole representative from India, an honor that caught the attention of Eknath Shinde, the Chief Minister of Maharashtra, who personally commended him for his contributions to the healthcare sector and his efforts in addressing chronic lifestyle diseases. At the summit, Tandulwadkar presented various successful case studies from his center and received the Best Entrepreneur Pitch Award for his contributions to healthcare and his commitment to advancing regenerative wellness.

Reflecting on his selection, Tandulwadkar said, "As an Indian delegate for the G20, this acknowledgment only helps me to explore new possibilities in healthcare, aiming to transform healthcare further and make it patient-centric." The summit saw the participation of many young entrepreneurs from G20 countries, with notable international leaders in attendance, such as Prince Fahad M AlSaud of Saudi Arabia, South Africa's Ambassador to Brazil Vusi Mavimbela, AIJEC President Ruben Sans Solsona, and members from Futurpreneur Canada and the European Confederation of Young Entrepreneurs.
Tandulwadkar shared several remarkable case studies treated at his center. "We have delivered the world's first stem cell baby of a 45-year-old woman, making it the first such case. Following this success, we have delivered 40 stem cell babies through our regenerative therapies," he said. Additionally, he highlighted a case where a boy regained mobility through Autologous Cell Fraction (ACF) therapies after a stroke left him paralyzed on one side. Other case studies showcased improvements in patients with Parkinson's disease, where regenerative therapies helped reduce tremors and enhance motor skills.

Tandulwadkar's recognition at the G20YEA Summit and his ongoing work at Aliv demonstrate a commitment to pioneering regenerative therapies and advancing patient-centric healthcare solutions. His achievements underscore the potential of innovative healthcare approaches in addressing chronic and debilitating conditions.

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