Dr. Jagannath Dixit Launches Book on Diabetes Reversal Lifestyle
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Written by Arushi Sharma
06 Feb, 2024
1 min read
Dr. Jagannath Dixit, a leading advocate for weight loss and diabetes reversal, has launched his book "Dr Dixit Lifestyle: Master Key for Diabetes Remission."
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Reverse Diabetes with Dr. Dixit Lifestyle! This book by renowned Pune doctor Jagannath Dixit features success stories and a practical plan for weight loss, managing HBA1C, and achieving diabetes remission.

Renowned Pune-based Dr. Jagannath Dixit, known for his advocacy of weight loss and diabetes reversal, has published a book titled 'Dr Dixit Lifestyle: Master Key for Diabetes Remission.' The book features success stories of individuals following the 'Dixit Lifestyle.'

One notable case highlighted is that of Professor Sham Mendve from Latur, who successfully controlled his HBA1C levels through the modified lifestyle plan.

Dr. Dixit, also a professor of community medicine, emphasizes the importance of a sustained healthy lifestyle, focusing on reduced meal frequency to promote weight loss, target belly fat, and prevent diabetes.

The book release event took place at the Dr KH Sancheti Auditorium, IMA House, organized by the Association for Diabetes and Obesity Reversal (ADORE) and Infosys Foundation Diabetes Care Programme.

The chairman of ADORE Trust, Dr. Dixit, shared the goal of reversing diabetes in 1,000 patients across Pune, Nashik, and Nagpur centers by August 2025.

The book includes 91 stories illustrating the significance of lifestyle modifications in reducing weight, waist circumference, HBA1C levels, and fasting insulin. Notable figures present at the event included senior physicians, pediatricians, and Infosys Foundation's Vice President, Pravin Kulkarni. The book launch aims to contribute to diabetes prevention and awareness amid rising health challenges in India.

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