C3 Med-Tech Secures Funding for AI-powered Eye Screening in India
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Written by Sirish Dixit
15 Jun, 2024
1 min read
C3 Med-Tech lands funding for innovative eye screening devices using AI and telemedicine to fight blindness in India, especially in underserved areas.
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C3 Med-Tech raises funds to launch portable, AI-powered eye screening devices in India. Affordable tech aims to fight blindness in underserved communities.

C3 Med-Tech, a company at the forefront of developing innovative ophthalmic screening tools, has secured funding of INR 2 crore from Industrial Metal Powders. This investment will be instrumental in introducing telemedicine and portable AI-powered devices, revolutionising eye examinations and real-time diagnosis in India.

Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) and telemedicine in C3 Med-Tech's devices aims to achieve fast and accurate patient identification. This will allow for early intervention and significantly increase the chances of preventing blindness and visual impairment.

C3 Med-Tech's mission is to make eye care more accessible in India, primarily focusing on underprivileged communities where the need for proper healthcare is often the greatest. They focus on developing portable and affordable ophthalmic screening tools to bridge the gap in eye care services.

This funding serves as a major milestone for C3 Med-Tech. The company plans to utilize the funds for marketing initiatives, staff development, and research & development to expand its reach both domestically and internationally.

Collaboration for Impact

Yash Nagarsheth, C3 Med-Tech's founder and CEO, emphasizes the significance of this collaboration. He believes that Industrial Metal Powders' expertise and support will be crucial in their fight against preventable blindness. C3 Med-Tech is also strengthening its leadership team with experienced management and ophthalmologists to accelerate their product development efforts.

Mr. Prakash Dhoka, Managing Director of Industrial Metal Powders, shares their enthusiasm for the collaboration. "C3 Med-Tech's commitment to leveraging technology for social good aligns perfectly with our vision of advancing medical technologies to improve lives," he stated.
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