Andhra Teacher Achieves Cancer Remission with CAR-T Cell Therapy
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Written by Arushi Sharma
09 Apr, 2024
1 min read
A teacher from Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, has achieved complete cancer remission following CAR-T cell therapy, a significant development for the state. Ms. Reddi Lalitha Kumari's aggressive lymphoma did not respond to conventional treatments.
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Visakhapatnam teacher sees complete cancer remission after CAR-T cell therapy at Apollo Cancer Centre, marking a milestone for Andhra Pradesh. The case highlights the potential of novel treatments for aggressive cancers.

Ms. Reddi Lalitha Kumari, a 47-year-old high school teacher from Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, has experienced complete remission from cancer following CAR-T cell therapy, marking a significant milestone for the state.

Diagnosed with aggressive lymphoma that had become resistant to conventional treatments, Ms. Kumari's prognosis seemed bleak until doctors at Apollo Cancer Centre, Visakhapatnam, suggested CAR-T cell therapy as a potential solution.

Dr. Rakesh Reddy Boya, an oncologist at Apollo Cancer Center, Visakhapatnam, explained, "Ms. Lalitha's case required a novel approach. CAR-T cell therapy offered a promising chance for her to overcome cancer."
After undergoing CAR-T cell therapy, Ms. Kumari's cancer responded positively, entering into remission. "This treatment has given me a new lease on life," she expressed gratefully. "I am immensely thankful to the team at Apollo Cancer Centre."

The medical professionals at Apollo Cancer Center emphasized the importance of collaborative efforts and a patient-centric approach in Ms. Kumari's treatment. Her case highlights the potential of innovative therapies and the unwavering commitment of healthcare providers in the battle against cancer.

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